and then...wet

summer is wet. I just moved again. 

And m*leskine, I've just about had it with you and your silly new copyright laws. I don't have time to get expressed permission every time I want to make a vlog. Sorry for promoting your product!

ANYWAY, searching for a m*leskine alternative is an uphill battle and an oxymoron; despite my frusteration with the new copyright laws and the use of carcinogens in the covers and the switch of manufacturing to China and blahblahblah, there's an organic-tactility and understated effect of m*leskine notebooks that I don't expect will ever be matched. No matter how many attempts a product makes, with all the rounded corners-ribbon bookmark-elastic bland enclosure-back pocket yadayada, it's just not the same.

So, I decided, the ideal m*leskine alternative will not really be an alternative, but something which stands on its own and is still versatile enough to be considered a baseline notebook for all of my journaling needs. I found that this was met by the line of ecosystem notebooks:

I have scoffed at their marketing approach in the past; I am no environmentalist, and generally not fond of the earthy, archaic look of most recycled journals, but these ecosystem animals look and act like toys. They're completely recycled and made in the USA, and priced well at that. All pages are preforated, which typically makes me cringe because I'm so archival, but these preforations only act when you need them. I'm still on my first model, a lined hardcover because no one makes a true soft cover like m*leskine, but so far I truly love it. So go out and pick up one of these eco-friendly beauties. 

Anyway I just moved and my lungs are still recovering from dust so I'll go now. You'll hear from me soon!


and then...limp

It wasn't like that, he said, I was very tired and help-less. As in without help. I was limp the whole time.

Limp, really?


--close character interview--

I have to say first that I have been getting an astonishing amount of positive feedback between my contact form and my youtube channel of late. Seems like yall loved my little film. Thank you so much for contacting me; I'll need a secretary any day now with all the emails I've been getting. 

I promise I read them all and I promise I will get back to a lot of you SOON. I am in one of those finals-weeks and I'm moving AGAIN. =.=

Being young. pah. You can't say anything moral without having everyone argue with you and there's no steady income and you've got to move all the time. I think being young is a little overrated. 

Anyway I've got allergies again and a virus again so I have to crash. Now. The last two years have been disastrous but things will turn on their head soon and you'll be hearing a lot more from me! Thanks again for all the incredible support. It still fascinates me that I can inspire people I've never met. 

Writing prompt: boy thinks that scorpions attack him every night. Go. 

and then...out

You'd cry if you saw him. You'd be sad-heavy. I think he was trying to say "I want out," but it's hard to know when his voice is so dry. He's so tired. I love him though.

I'm tired, too, especially with the allergy meds or allergies or both, and having to sit through films to study film. I can't just SIT for that long, you must be crazy. I love my beta muse, anyway. 

I have no groceries. I'm drowsy. I'm behind in every class with a week to go.

48 hours in a motel. wanna see a show called Bates Motel. Heard what it's like to get shot but forgot what it's like to be heard and what it's like to speak. (lovelovealan)

I'll be damned if I'll find myself enrolled in a public school of any kind ever again. It cost me a muse before, but everyone forgets him. As is current. Thanks for the fries.