"…the capacity of metafictional questioning to help the development of heightened consciousness…has been affirmed by the majority of critics as one of its most valuable qualities." —Karl S. Y. Kao
Stories come from the most mysterious parts of ourselves. After a lifetime of experiencing unnatural solidarity with fictional characters, I started to question what they were from a metaphysical perspective. For awhile, I thought I was the only one who felt the need to answer this question. Even in writer's groups, and after attending hundreds of workshops, I didn't encounter a lot of storytellers who interacted with their characters directly or felt they were acting as a medium for them.
When I had the opportunity to study film in school, I realized that it felt unnatural to have my characters avoid looking at the camera when they clearly knew I was there.
My characters realize their fictionality sometimes suddenly, sometimes gradually, and often inherently; all with the express purpose of helping us to remember who we are.
My work is full of self-referential phrases and eye contact with the audience. I witnessed this in a number of children's shows, tv documentaries and metafictional stories like "The Office." I aim to adapt these methods to long form dramas and reintroduce them to novels without the post-modern trimmings that have plagued so much metafictional work over the years.
In my work, characters want to connect not just with each other, but with you. They might interact with the camera, the narrator; any real people they want. I like to use a “host” character who the audience can identify as being real, and then explore the relationship between the host character and the other characters in the story. I study the complex and tender connection between humans and the things that we imagine.
Just when our collective myths begin to take on a pattern, they ultimately shift again, changed by our very perception of what they are and our assertion that we might understand them.
Stories are playful. Stories are frightening. Stories can frustrate, seduce, motivate, or demoralize. Perhaps most mysterious of all, the same story seen twice can do two different things, and therein show us what has changed within ourselves.