and then...pi

circlecircles cyclical! Numbers DO make shapes. Conch shells so have a golden ratio. I am so conch shell, and I want one. And I want to give it to a boyfriend and tell him to turn it blue and hold it at the level of his ear, hear hear! hoo-ray. Blue conch shells and men's ratios. 

So I saw LIFE OF PI and I'm sad I haven't read it yet but I WILL and anyway, it was pretty! So pretty, and it's the first person place or thing what hasn't disappointed me for a longlong time; oh noez! I've done it! Now everybody knows that I get disappointed and that I have standards! OH NO NO ONE WILL EVER WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME

absolutely nothing has changed. I did errandserrandserrands and now I have to get back to the novel I don't even have time to journal and I'm quite behind with the what'sitcalled school stuff.

and then...vacant

Ending our suffering is more important than figuring out the reason of the suffering but gosh, aren't we obsessed with that? Trying to understand why someone hurts us, or someone else. 

Goodness lies in transformation, evil lies in mimickry. And anyway, there's a new Chipotle near my house; my life just got ten times better. Kish-Mish, my feline, is still growing. He's got a monstrous frame. Yesterday I spent $25 on a box for him to poop in. 

I have twenty days to finish the magnum opus. I am almost halfway finished. We'll see about how it goes. You can expect these posts to get shorter for awhile. I'd like to give the time to sleep and meals. Which means I'm needed to go now. 

Also, interior decorating. I'm obsessed. I hope I get to build-a-home. And thank you for reading my words!

and then...stoic

What's it mean? I mean one minute a person is unaffected, free of empathy of guilt, or "free" of it, and next minute they are sensitive like prey animals. 

I don't know, I don't know. I've a lot of things, a new cousin for one. And I finished another writing project, I've just got to finish typing the darn thing. But I love love love it! 

I watched a lot of animals this past weekend, and my housemates came back with a thing for me! A REAL PAIR OF ANTLERS. 

I just. I died of joy. Antlers. I mean, antlers! They're on my floating bookshelf now, in my lovely little office and I should post pictures of it. When I get night pictures, pictograms in the night make me think dreams, and once upon a time there was a girl who signed on to therapy for abandonment issues and her therapist cancelled the first appointment. Hah!

All the things of dehumization, this week. The things I see in animated films. The weight of vapor masks and bits gags pulling lips back from his teeth, like. Gosh I love to write storybooks!

I'm reading about math in the hope that I might understand it or something bizarre. Anyway, math is really great in principle. I mean, in principle. Miraculous in practice. And hell in academics. But then, what isn't? 

I get to travel with Alan again soon. I will also be travelling with Fish. We are going to bring his habitat named aquarium. It's only for nine days but I like having him in the room. Also I get to clean his tank today : / 

And I have to type things and outline things and journal and go shopping and wash my lovely hair. So then, good luck to all! Save money on therapy and get art journaling!