and then...tardy

I know I'm tardy, very time tardy. Yesterday I couldn't get to my web server in time. I was out all day talking to university people so that I can maybe go to a new one. 

I'm going to make a lot of art soon. And a new cover letter, and I ought to add credits to this website. 

I will take black and white photographs. Organize conceptualize actualize and execute. Don't forget to look for Dylan Redwine. 

I don't know like what to blog about. I mean I used to have a life. And then I went to college. There goes job career friends writing projects. 

For this time around I'll recommend Julia Cameron, as she is articulate in the extreme about the nuts and bolts of inspiration. Other than that I haven't got what to say. It's been a stressful time. And April's coming up, always the busiest month of the year. 

and then...snow

I hate snow, the Beta Muse fnds it funny. Like powdered sugar, oh look we're so small that cold makes piles of snow. 

"Snow," he says, "we've even got a name for it, so."

Snow is only good as aesthetic.

I found out why he was all upset the last week or so, too, aside from our being sick and all. It was cold showers and suppressed memories what made him all upset, what gave me means of chronology for the piece. You have to really listen to your muse. Catharsis is what they want. Everything and all that they want.

I'm so busy this week it makes me reel. And in my film class we watched a dry movie not about anything, just of Hitler yelling and old men bitching and I'm supposed to care about these people? I just. Don't. understand. Anyway it's not grand at the end of a long day.

The posts here have been unusual of late. Unusual in their usual-ish-ness. That should change next week, when I'm finally in the city again. My cabin fever is getting something vicious!

I say you know nothing of manhood unless you've seen Bambi. Speaking of manhood, I'm working on a piece about how we discourage introspection in young man. It's a drastic problem. Drastic. I worry about raising a son in this atmosphere. I could go on but it's for a video. See the youtube channel if you have not:


Thanks for reading! :) spread smiles