and then...mugs

mugs carry tea and shots, mugshots. 

And there are new ones! All the ones, you may click here. 

What is it with Mondays that I'm always pressed for time? Not a good day to make the blog updates. I may have to switch to Sundays or some such thing. Between my acting lab and screenings and traveling and errands that all love my Mondays, why do I add blog updates to the list? 

Alright, alright I'll switch to Sundays. I have to return library books today. I've had them for years. I never wanted to give them back but they're not worth the fees. =.= And isn't it the greatest thing, a library? A sign of highest wealth. That, and I fat pet. I feel a little broke sometimes but then I realize that I have a fat pet. 

Lesson of the day: don't complain if you have a fat pet. Tomorrow I must begin my new plan, five hours of sleep a night but no messing about, about gas money, I could use some.

Right no messing around about because I'll be writing not six but SEVEN hours a day. I don't know what about the homework. 

So you like the new mugshots. Well. Effective, that's what Mickey Willard is. She knows my meaning so. The idea is to dehumanize the subject a little, dwarf his face with relevant trimmings. I do hope you'll be seeing his face in places new. The new pictures made the Beta Muse quite happy.

He was sick this morning, though. In a serious way. Just that strange morning ailment of the body wanting to purge upon waking; or wake upon purging...he never could really tell the difference. I've got to, though, in the next 24 hours. It's called deadline. 

And as a note, I think I will start posting on Sundays instead. Maybe Sunday nights or some odd thing. Mondays just aren't working and the posts are getting shorter and shorter again.

Stretch from the side, stretch from the side, side stretch stretching from his ribs around; don't end a sentence with a prepostion or "a preposition" so from his ribs around to his brain stem. Electric stars there make stars. That's how they move on the flooring. 

and then...closing

Closings and finishes and ribbons, circumvent. I have three deadlines in a day. How did this happen to a part time student who doesn't care about academics?

I lost another pencil. Its a frusterating thing. I have an analysis due in two hours that I haven't started but I need to update this first. 

There are a lot of things that I can not do without a camera. Often times I don't try, not if it makes the writing labored. But how to show my lighting and contrast? How to create the pull of weight in a word or less? How to make a sound echo without speaking it's echo?

Maybe I'm just a filmmaker, what it is. But there weren't always filmmakers. So I can make a film novel, what! Anyway. 

If you want contrast, make duality in the sentences. Double beats. And not just with "and," but typically so. 

I have to go, a have a thing do that I haven't done because I was writing. There is more artwork ready for the "Cope Syndrome" page, I just need the artist to send it over and then it should be up soon. yay, cohesive! I am excite. Alan and I would like to thank you for reading the blog :D

Also still reading The Casual Vacancy. I suppose I'll talk on it more once it's's very different from Potter, yadayada, but I don't care much about the thematic difference; I care about the structural difference quite a bit, though. And the writing is still incredible because Rowling. If you can't figure out why it's incredible, that's because it's incredible. trustmei'mawriter. 

and then...release

without catharsis. 

I have a new journal without a name and I ran out of black pens so now I write with blue.  This entry was meant for this morning but I was trying to catch up on studying film for my film class. What Beta Muse and I get to watch Citizen Kane in 30 minutes. What we have to, what time I have to stop writing this entry. 

I'm out of love. Not what ran out of it, but it's in my pocket. And thinking so much about foxes, lately! Foxes and antlers; I read that fettishes are defenses against a tragic loss. Well, Antlers. Well, vulpine. What, I lost both boys. And now I'm obsessed with Antlers and Foxes. 

But I've loved those things for so long! Drinking tea from a travel mug is a new affair. you've got less of a way of knowing the temperature, and can't suck on air sipping so, it's not as relaxing. But it's still tea, like. By the way, don't you want to smack people my age? ungrateful brats. You're holding an apple, CHEER THE HECK UP!!

Oh, apples! All the fruits! And this pretty coral drawing on the cover of my macbook, called a decal. now I can tell my computer apart from the others. 

What am I excited about? Thing? I like my backpack. Mostly I'm excited about all the things in Cope Syndrome. Like the animals. 

Also I'm learning so much about film, I love it love it. I want to make movies, too. There's a real fance camera I want that's the cost of a house. It's the cheapest of its kind :) 

you don't need a fancy anything, though, if you know what you're doing. I want a new sweater. And what, bags and candles and jewelery. the thing is that indepedent women are practical and we don't indulge in whims. So I'd like a man, please, so that he may cater to my whims on my behalf. That way I can be practical AND have lots of jewelery! weeeeee

I haven't given any sort of writing advice in a century and a half. The most important thing is simplicity; WITH APPRECIATION. Hello, this is my pen, here's what he can do. Be a child and write, learn the craft and write, forget the craft and write like a child. That's the secret to genius and happiness, simultaneous

ladies and gents, address, thank you for thoughts. 

go to for pretty things.