Phew! Finally finished tidying up my 2019 reel. I did more behind-the-scenes and client work this year than original film production, but this was still overdo for a little polish. Hope you can join me Friday on YouTube for some updates on my plans for 2020 :)
Undergraduate Reel
A mentor of mine recommended I make an actual, comprehensive reel of some of the work I did while in film school. It was fun to make and to watch. I never fully appreciated how the monochrome causes so many of my pieces to sort of blend together, as if they're from the same work; but of course I find that interesting in its own right.
It's not terribly commercial. But anyone whose done good narrative work knows that it can't be done without a competent handle on the medium. It strikes me as odd how non-fiction writing and video suggests authority and competence to people when it is in fact fiction that is the most difficult. Perhaps because those who are inexperienced often jump into fiction first, and there's so much bad fiction out there. Approved bad fiction, no less. Fiction has an audience wherever it provides catharsis, whether its good or not. And if it's really bad, people will blame themselves before they blame the work. Sometimes a book is confusing not because it's smarter than you, but because it's just no good.
I don't know why I'm drifting into this tangent. I just wanted to share my reel. I edited it initially to Alt-J's "Hand-made," then switched to Carly Commando's "Everyday" before uploading. It makes me smile to watch all the evidence of things I was afraid to do, but did anyway. My peers made reels all the time. I don't know why I waited so long. Looking back at my work feels like examining a lot of long, grey ghosts who for the most part repeat the same lessons like mantras or haunting litanies.