Making Metafiction

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and then...mythic

And no time, either. How many times many times times should you tell about a character before you show that character? Be. Careful. You can make them mythic. 

 And character, right, isn't person. It's the essence of person. It's stylistic. Same like dialogue; if you had characters speak exactly like a person would in real life, it's just stupid. So how can you make dialogue realistic? Make it speak to truth. 

Okay, alright. You get an example, so:

 Real life: 

"School is stupid, I hate it. It doesn't make any sense and anyway it's not, like, teaching anything. I'm not really learning."

Dialogue (stylized):

 "School is dull. I want to learn things."

Of course, the nature of the stylization depends on the nature of the character. beck, with


and parallels

and decisions, so, fiction is the most difficult thing to make. It's like guessing an exact combination of one hundred digits. Or one thousand. Yes, probably the latter. 

and then the thing is that this blog is so important to me, it really is, and I'm getting to update it now because of a writer's block (do they exist? I think not until I have one), and it's hard to update otherwise because I'm a full time college student putting in six hours a day to practice writing fiction. Sleep and eat are compromised. That's what comes of that academic system, thar. 

But the muse dances like. We live on IAMX and caffeine. We thank each other. We things smooth, twisting in the dark like. What it is: an enormous trampoline in the dark, with special moving lights and recording cameras attached. Imaginary boys jump and jump and I slow down the footage. I slow it down until it looks like they're praying or screaming or drowning or just the jumping. Mostly, though, they look: flying. 

I bought a smash book. Google it. such a fun thing. Sun rays stretch to reach aspect, my animus. Mostly things are animus. and I take photographs.