and then...sodapop

So I finally saw The Outsiders TV series (hehe) and it's got me thinking about all kinds of things, like the time that I accidently met S. E. Hinton.

No, really. Yeah. I met S. E. Hinton:

I accidently met her when I was accidently at a writer's workshop accidently in Tulsa. (It was actually a couple years or so ago).

I cried.

Yes, yes, I am indeed a fangirl, long time lover of everything to do with The Outsiders or anything related to boys-and-their-problems-in-literature. And yeah, I met the woman. She was quite funny and pretty sarcastic, as one would expect an author to be. It took her a good ten minutes, I think, to realize I wasn't mocking her when I expressed my adoration for her work. A local instructor kindly gave me a book for her to sign, as I was too stupid to bring any of mine (idiot)!

And I remember distinctly that I had several copies of Cope Syndrome's early chapters with me, but I was terrified something awful to share them. At a workshop. >.< Moreover, my mother was there and she might have found it awfully presumptious of me. At least, that's what I thought at the time. 

Anyway, this year I'm diving headfirst into the world of copywriting, so that I can go back to having actual paid work haha. I'm delighted to get the chance to expand my skill set! Alongside that I'm tearing through fiction like a madman and applying to an art program that will get me training in film. What cheer, eh?

and then...out

You'd cry if you saw him. You'd be sad-heavy. I think he was trying to say "I want out," but it's hard to know when his voice is so dry. He's so tired. I love him though.

I'm tired, too, especially with the allergy meds or allergies or both, and having to sit through films to study film. I can't just SIT for that long, you must be crazy. I love my beta muse, anyway. 

I have no groceries. I'm drowsy. I'm behind in every class with a week to go.

48 hours in a motel. wanna see a show called Bates Motel. Heard what it's like to get shot but forgot what it's like to be heard and what it's like to speak. (lovelovealan)

I'll be damned if I'll find myself enrolled in a public school of any kind ever again. It cost me a muse before, but everyone forgets him. As is current. Thanks for the fries.