Today I lost my right not to be political; I see that as a right because it's a right that my grandparents fought for by escaping a country where politics hijacked the humanity of individuals. I promise that this has to do with metafiction.
But first, some letters; I want to invite America into an imaginative exercise, because imagination is beautiful. Scroll to any letters that feels relevant to you: there's a letter for everyone, I promise. It has nothing to do with who you supported through the tension of the last twenty four hours. I am not trying to upset anyone. I want us to be present in the truth of where we are as a country, and to be still in it.
DEAR AMERICAN WOMEN, I must inform you that your country has, presumably by majority rule, elected a man for its leader who has openly expressed that you are less than human because you are feminine. He has acted on this sentiment. The humanity of his victims did not overwhelm the support that he had from other aggressors. Do you feel that I'm exaggerating? Do you feel that it's not a big deal? Do you feel that you are a special woman, and that most other women are inferior? Perhaps you feel the opposite. Perhaps you feel betrayed and in danger, not only from him, but from the those who have the ability to protect you. Feel it. This is what oppression feels like. Maybe you like it, maybe you don't. But this is what it feels like and it's called oppression. How does it feel in your stomach? Imagine the feeling. What color is it? What is it shaped like? How does it sound? There is no right answer. Feel and and give it a name. Know it.
DEAR STRAIGHT AMERICAN MEN, I must inform you that your country has, presumably by majority rule, elected a man for its leader who has openly expressed the women you desire are less than human. He has acted on this sentiment. He does not feel that men can, and should, respect the people they love and love the people they respect. The humanity of his victims did not overwhelm the support that he had from other aggressors. This country elected a man who offends your social sensibilities and education, and who has put women on guard and made them afraid of your demographic. Do you think that I am wrong? Do you feel judged and frustrated? Imagine your thoughts. What do they smell like? What do they feel like? What they shaped like? There is no right answer, just imagine your truth. This is what is feels like to be robbed of your sexual empowerment. Feel it. Know it. Give it a name.
DEAR LGBTQ AMERICANS, I must tell you that your country has elected someone who has tried to capitalize your voice for his own agenda. Your fellow citizens have elected a man who stifles the social freedom that validated your identities and desires. Do you feel tired? Do you feel exhausted? Do you feel absurdity? Imagine what the feeling is. What does it look like? What does it smell and sound like? Give it a name and know it. No wrong answers. And know, also, that your freedom is connected to everyone's freedom.
DEAR AMERICAN MUSLIMS, you should know that your country has just elected, presumably by majority rule, a figurehead and leader who has expressed intent to systematically strip you of your rights and sense of safety. Do you think I am exaggerating? Maybe you are right. There are no right or wrong answers. This is what oppression feels like. Perhaps it doesn't feel that bad, but this is what it is. Do you feel it in your stomach? In your neck? What does it look like? Know what this feeling is and give it to God.
DEAR NON-WHITE AMERICANS, I must tell you that your country has elected, presumably by majority rule, a figurehead who can represent their frustration at your prevalence in society. There are people who don't want you to forget that you are not white, because they feel that it matters. Take a moment to do nothing but experience what this oppression is like. Imagine it like you are discovering a new animal. It doesn't have to look like anything particular. Do you feel I am exaggerating? Do you feel that you are unsafe? No wrong answers. Feel it and name it, because it's here.
POST SCRIPT FOR EVERYONE: While I'm on the subject, I want to mention the importance of unity: there has never been a good time to shut out another group of equally oppressed people because you disagree with their lifestyle, nature, or beliefs. Especially not now. I say this for my own peer group as much as for others. The division that still exists between the LGBTQ community and otherwise supportive religious communities is more than disheartening, it's a luxury that we can't afford right now.
Why is this so important to metafiction? Let me show you:
This is Phi.
This is Poppy.
This is Alan Cope.
This is Delta.
This is Harry Potter.
A death rattle is the last breath of a dying animal. This election is just the death rattle of racist and sexist culture in America.
Don't lose your chill, people. Go out there and be your weird, gay, religious, whatever selves. Go be America. We're all in the story, now.