Looking and Editing
Some editing notes for Delta Phi
Picture this: you’re watching a TV drama on Netflix. The lead character finishes up a FaceTime call and puts his iPhone in his pocket and then walks away. Throughout the entirety of the show he has never acknowledged or looked at you. I’m sure that it doesn’t come as a surprise to you, but are you really convinced by this kind of performance?
There is something severely wrong with this picture. It doesn’t make any sense for a constituent to ignore the camera in his face if he has one in his pocket. So among other things, metafiction also happens to address the rise of millennial interfacing (technology). Just thought I'd point that out.
Editing Delta Phi is underway. I won’t call it post-production at this stage because we are doing some editing and production in tandem. I am editing on scene at a time, and I’ve developed a system for longer projects that is working especially well for Delta Phi. I start by indexing all the takes in a a scene (I write down the strengths and weaknesses of a take, and any continuity issues, etc). I highlight anything I want to keep. I write down the method I want on a post-it note (for example: first half in roving takes 1/3, second half in static take 5). Then I look at the beat list and compose a rough cut. I don’t know that this would work for someone less verbal than I, but I find it a lot easier and more effective than visual storyboarding. I may use a more visual approach when I have to decide where to plug in Broll, music etc.