
I've invested a lot of time over the last year holding open doors for my career, writing, studying business models and the like, and again and again I've come up against the secret of focus. To do one thing at a time is better and more productive than spreading yourself thin. It is in the spirit of this advice that I am officially and intentially taking a hiatus from the blog and podcast. 

I've committed to making two films over the next year and a half, as well as (hopefully) publishing my long term writing projects, some of which I have worked on for at least several years. There is so much work and planning for this site that never sees the light of day because it doesn't get the attention it needs. My plan is to put things on hold for now, and come back at a time when I can give undivided (or at least less divided) attention to teaching. 

Thanks for sticking with me this far. While the hiatus will go for at least six months on the blog, podcast, and youtube channel, you can still follow me on twitter in the meantime: twitter.com/shethewriter 

I'll be posting updates on my writing and film projects on twitter for those interested in following along. Thanks again and keep writing! 


and then...target

"Sometimes it's easy to forget where a root is, how the trunk happens. I am having fun watching the universe make its own way for me."

-Aneesa Shami

You may remember my collaborative effort with Aneesa to make a birthday card for the new Threadless greeting card collection.

After some alterations and contracts and waiting, our card is now available at Target stores across the US! Be sure to stock up for your friends and family, as they're only available for a limited time.  

Thanks to all of you for voting for us, and thanks to all of you who support Novelism with your readership and feedback. There will come a time when Alan and I will depend on word of mouth even more than we do now; that is, with the eventual publication of Cope Syndrome. It's inspiring to know we have already touched the thoughts of so many. 

So keep thinking, keep writing and enjoy your new birthday card!