Making Metafiction

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I spent all morning registering copyright protection for a new manuscript and hunting down medicine for my cat. I'm definitely a writer.

I have become a bit frustrated with the hunt for agents. It seems to me that there can only be so many eligible queries for finished manuscripts submitted every day, and agents simply don't respond. I would appreciate a rejection every once in awhile. It's affordable to write and submit writing, but submitting writers are consistently abused by the publishing industry. If a magazine and/or agency has a response policy, they should follow it. If you say you're going to respond within 12 weeks to submissions that adhere to your requirements, then respond. Rejections are better than nothing. Sending a pre-written rejection letter is easy and, I should hope, is part of a publisher's job. I wouldn't notice if this were a merely occasional phenomenon, but it's not. I've been submitting written works since I was seven. Not responding has always been pervasive. I have to wonder what they're playing to. Sure, no self-publishing option can benefit from the distribution of hard copies in every Barnes and Noble, but outside of that there is little that a major publishing house can offer than a smaller press or individual proprietor can't get on their own. All this to say that I'm thinking more seriously about self-publishing for longer works. 

Applying to jobs is far less bleak. Employers often let you know when they've picked another candidate. Same with film festivals, although those entry fees sure do rack up! I'm still waiting to hear on Delta Phi, but I look forward to sharing an update when the time comes :)

I made a new chart on my wall of all the writing projects I hope to make before I die. It's exciting to see it laid out!