Making Metafiction

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and then...insomniac

I know me insomniac. Up all night. I monitor internal halls. I can only try to work myself to sleep. 

There's nothing better than doing what you love, in the way that has you forgetting water and loving it more than ever at once. Air is often readily available. 

I recently got a compact Filofax during a holiday sale and I love it so far. I can't stress the importance of organization. A goal doesn't stand a chance if it's not written down. But for those of us who use analog (that is, handwritten) organization methods, it can get messy. One notebook means a mess of notes, to dos, ideas and drafting. Several notebooks means... well, it means a heavy backpack. Personally, I like to use a lot of notebooks:

From the top down:

Compact patent red Filofax, for planning

Large size Ecosystem notebook in Lagoon, for new ideas

A classic, high-quality mead Composition notebook that is no longer on the market :( characterized by it's dark pink margin line. It's my daily journal right now.

A moleskine from the artist's collection, which I use to make mindmaps for Cope Syndrome. 

A Target brand legal pad that is perfect for my drafting. 

The bottom too are seen clear in my video How to Write a Novel, Like


The Filofax helped me reduce my load, but if you want something simpler or are on a tight budget, there's a method called Bullet Journaling that might work for you. 

If you go to you can find the comprehensive tutorial developed by art director Ryder Carroll. I have long wanted to come up with something as comprehensive, but he clearly beat me to it. I can only use the method on a small scale since I always need at least one or two journals at hand that lack any system other than writing and gluing down as many things as possible, and I think such a system would corrupt that. But I get a lot of emails about how to use a journal and I thought that Carroll's method would be worth sharing. 

I fell forward on a horse recent. I fell onto its long white neck when it tripped forward onto knees. It was a pretty white horse. If you have not yet commanded an animal, go and learn a way.