Making Metafiction

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Live Interview on Publishing and Representation

Yesterday I interviewed author Andrew Patterson over instagram, and it went well. It was certainly a highlight over the last month. My content creation is, for all intents and purposes, going well so far. I'm working a lot more hours than I did at my day job, getting up even earlier, and it's been good. My health problems have, for the most part, resolved. My part time job is going well. I have more time to write.

I'm learning a great deal about human nature these days, and I've discovered that there are others like me. Cities full of them. People who would rather be pain free than have paid vacation time, people who are drained by certain environments and would rather be judged by unsupportive family and friends than be clinically depressed. People who would rather have roommates and work fifteen hours a day than go home to a luxury apartment after 8 hours of supporting someone else's dream, while their own dream hides under the pillow. 

If I'm not alone, then I'm not special. But let me tell you, I'd sure as hell love to live closer to some of these people. 

Once you know what your true work is--more than just a feeling that you are meant for something, but a specific calling that you know has your name written on it--you can't do things that go against that. There's just no way. It doesn't mean you can't follow a traditional path, but if things about that path are prohibiting you from acting on your purpose, then stop. Take the risk. Take the judgement. Someone out there needs you to be you.