Why, blu-ray?
Metafictive filmmaker here. Let me tell you about blu-rays.
I first heard about blu-rays in a magazine ad. It said blu-rays are sharper than DVDs, as if we needed that. Let me tell you, we don't.
Perhaps they're more durable, I thought.
They're not. They're just disks.
Alright, so someone wants to make money. No problem. They're a little more costly than DVDs, but if a blu-ray player can run a DVD, what's the problem?
I'm a filmmaker now, and I'll tell you the problem. Blu-rays are not only more expensive, they are challenging to make. They don't play on most computers, nor do they even play on all blu-ray players, as there are various ways to encode a blu-ray. To make a blu-ray, you need a blu-ray burner, which is at least a hundred dollars and has to plug into various places; a tricky thing if you've got a lot of hardware running to begin with, and if you are someone who needs a blu-ray burner, then you probably do.
It's cumbersome and silly. When and why did blu-rays become the standard? The difference in resolution is neglible to me. DVDs are faster, cheaper, more accessible and just as fragile. Of course, I just have a lot to say on the matter right now because I've been burning blu-rays for Delta Phi all week ;)
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