Making Metafiction

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I discovered disposable fountain pens. I trashed the pencil; at least for now. I never expected I would trash the pencil until my sharpener blunted out from years of use and I didn't care to buy a new one. But hand cramps have disappeared due to my disposable fountain pens. I'm drafting every morning at my local cafe and it's going well, though it's hard to record footage here so my YT channel is still a tad dry. I've just come out of an intense sixteen-week studio challenge and I'm running on leftover momentum. 

But I also discovered Bjork and I got a huge push from Vandermeer's Wonderbook, a guide to fiction that is so simple and authentic in its approach that I can't help but applaud it. Vandermeer's not afraid, for instance, to say that I-word (imagination).

I wanted to review another movie but I saw Gravity again instead of a new one. I wanted to write poetry. I'm too tired to write poetry. A man carries a rooster. The ceiling doesn't move as fast. Elk. Elk. Elk. Fish swim. I spend my time on things that will take as long as they take. 

Please eliminate all fencing.