Making Metafiction

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and then...riff

I'm sorry this is late, like. I'm hitting the bed for a nap after, on account of my not feeling well. 

Alan's a deer, precious lovely duct tap-ed mouth and drumsticks swinging! Have you ever seen a happy happier? 

Writer's tip of the day: get a cat. Mine is a stromcloud called Kish-Mish. I'd only be a little allergic to him except he drools all over me. He drools when he's happy, it's weird. And he's a fierce cuddler.

Speaking of cuddling, I search it like a nut. I now know all the ins and outs of cuddles. How to cuddle, types of cuddles, etc. I like knowing the comforting things. And comfort-without makes worry. I get cautious constant of all the creeps. I know cops by name by now. You don't mess with me. I've got a mace and more. I think all anyone wants is acceptance and love and respect and safety. Pain and fear are the worst things, like. Maybe it's all the Dr. Phil what I've been watching while ill. It's got me scared out of my mind. 

Dear men,

Stop hurting us.



I've got meself a new planner. It's pocket-lacking (dangit)! but otherwise perfect. 

Happy holidays everyone. And happy new year. I'm sure I don't just speak for myself when I say that 2012 has been a challenging one. Here's to a better future!

but hey hearts beat repeating for love anew. Pictures on loop. Boys-imagine tumble drastic, as if off a cliff riffriffriff.